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We live in the modern time of Caligula. Only our highest court can possess (or usurp) the power to make a negative and positive be re-defined as the same thing on the fly without any checks and balances (so promised by our Constituuuuuuution and the Federalists with their confusing definition of what "Federalism" really is)...of course only when it comes to taxation and the usurped power of government that goes with said taxation or at least this week. Next week they will have a different dictionary to pull out from under their black robes. Me thinks SCOTUS needs to partake in a little FESTIVUS.

NY and NYC: helping to lead the nation in how to launder illegal human beings from site like the mob would launder so much illegal money. Ah, the scales of Justice. She is blind at that.

Let me jump around a bit to number 12 and the famous 13 children who are neighbors of "Robin's Nest". Is it not interesting that some NH and TN lawmakers, have tried to put a stop to our Government's funded and supported chemical trail spraying and EMF/RF pollution, which kills so much of our environment, which, destroys our bodies directly and yet, the words "climate change" are worth 40 Million Luciferarian dollars to turn a blind eye? It's as bad as nobody asking Joe Biden, why we're in Ukraine and why we're funding and supporting so much killing and death their and elsewhere such as Gaza and primping for fights in the Far East and Eastern Europe.

I have watched my 64 years of knowledge of a cold war get scorched and the peace agreements going back to not just 1953 get toasted but now we're back to where the Royal Families last left off in 1914. It reminds me of Gordon Prange's expansive review behind his book "Tora! Tora! Tora" which is called "At Dawn We Slept". We are not in a good place.

We lie around and pretend, there is something left to fix by pretending to vote for one party or another in the effort that we'll get it right next time and yet, we're dying faster and faster by the second.

The US is getting what it deserves for believing that a Mono-Culture is bad and needs to be destroyed from within so that all people will be equal. Right out of Karl's manifesto and used as a tool to rebuild the kingdoms. People forget, Frederich Engels, always thought himself to be of the German peerage to the throne.

I have tried to show that Marx lives in all parties and dies in the old way of town hall meetings with in -person voting on paper ballots and no secrecy in front of witnesses kept us free. That was the old way. That was the way that brought us to the USA.

Keep working Gard if it doesn't pain you too much. Maybe, they will wake up in time.

Yours in liberty,


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