Gardner Goldsmith
Liberty Conspiracy Audio
The Liberty Conspiracy Audio Pod, for 6-5-24!

The Liberty Conspiracy Audio Pod, for 6-5-24!

An audio version of tonight's big news, direct from Russian Propaganda Central! ;)

Greetings, Fellow Conspirators!

Join the Conspiracy, M-F at 6 PM! Tonight! We dig into the latest on Joe Biden's "Executive" decision to "shut down the southern US border" - Do you believe him? We also look at Trump's claims on that, as well as other Trump deceptions, and we see how the Biden Admin has prepared plans for ground troops from the US/NATO to enter the Ukraine-Russia War! That, plus news on the PCR tests from Portugal, and your thoughts! Spread the word!

Thanks, again! Please feel free to SHARE the links, and join us every M-F at 6 PM on YouTube, Rokfin, Rumble, and my X @gardgoldsmith — and you also can donate to help the Liberty Conspiracy, itself! Just visit PayPal to help out!

Take care! :)

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Gardner Goldsmith
Liberty Conspiracy Audio
Conspiring and Advocating for Truth, Free Will, Free Markets, Meaningful Fiction