Gardner Goldsmith
Liberty Conspiracy Audio
Liberty Conspiracy 2-29-24 Audio Pod!

Liberty Conspiracy 2-29-24 Audio Pod!

The full audio of our Thursday, Feb 29 Program! Easy Loadin'!

Welcome, fellow Conspirators!

In this new podcast, the Conspiracy digs into the news of which wholly honest, integrity-exuding politician will replace Itchy Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader. Gard Offers video (and audio commentary here) revealing how the top “goer” going for that slot, Sen. Cornyn, already can be seen sitting beside then-President Donald Trump as Trump pumps out anti-gun-rights schemes just prior to Trump’s unconstitutional and immoral “bump-stock ban.” We then dig into numerous big gun-related cases/news in both the Supreme Court and in coming legislation on the state level, we discuss private property and the problem of government claiming that private property is “the public square”, and we get to talk to Marty Gottesfeld about his investigation into the First Federal Circuit of Appeals to hear how he has discovered close ties between judges and big special interests, ties that seem to be reflected in their caseloads and their rulings! Here is Marty’s Substack: EXCLUSIVE–How a Federal Appeals Court Acted Like a Rigged Casino ( and here is his Twitter/X:

Watch the show each M-F at 6 PM, on Gardner's X @gardgoldsmith or on Rumble or Rokfin! Spread the word!

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Spread the word! Thanks, Conspirators!

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