Gardner Goldsmith
Liberty Conspiracy Audio
The Liberty Conspiracy Audio Pod, for 5-15-24!

The Liberty Conspiracy Audio Pod, for 5-15-24!

A concise, easy-to-stream audio version of our program for tonight!

Welcome, fellow Conspirators!

Tonight, we pushed it to the limit, digging into the breaking news about the attempted assassination of Slovakian PM Robert Fico, evidently attempted by a man who disliked Fico’s opposition to the WHO “Pandemic Treaty” and his opposition to western proxy wars via Ukraine. Taking that and the incredibly offensive appearance of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a Ukrainian pub, playing a somnambulistic version of “Rockin’ in the Free World,” in a nation that has jailed and killed journalists, is enforcing conscription, has utilized Nazis to kill ethnic Russians in Donbass, and literally represents the US overthrow of the elected President, Yanukovich, in late 2013, that’s an incredibly offensive middle finger from Blinken, and he has no problem handing Ukraine more of your tax cash and more weapons.

That, and big info on free speech, in this slightly abbreviated show tonight! We had to end early because the tech wasn’t keeping up with our need to get out the info!! We’ll see you tomorrow night!

Check out the show, M-F at 6 PM on Rumble, Rokfin, YT, and gard's X at gardgoldsmith!

SHARE any of the links, and join us every M-F at 6 PM on YouTube, Rokfin, Rumble, and my X @gardgoldsmith and you also can donate to help the Liberty Conspiracy, itself! Just visit PayPal to help out!

All the best! :)

Thanks for listening and caring about Liberty! Be Seeing You!


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Gardner Goldsmith
Liberty Conspiracy Audio
Conspiring and Advocating for Truth, Free Will, Free Markets, Meaningful Fiction