Gardner Goldsmith
Liberty Conspiracy Audio
The Liberty Conspiracy Audio Pod, for 4-25-24

The Liberty Conspiracy Audio Pod, for 4-25-24

Easy-to-stream, low-buffer format, comrades! Here's tonight's show, in audio form!

Welcome, Fellow Conspirators!

Tonight on Liberty Conspiracy LIVE, we take a close, critical look at the obnoxious Senator Mitch McConnell’s claim that he can say for you what is affordable, even as he takes cash from you and your children to send weapons to other nations and their wars. We look at politicians like Speaker Johnson and his evil call for the National Guard to be set upon peace rally participants at places like Columbia University. We have the evidence, we have the history, and we have their Constitution ready, to show how little they car about it.

That, plus the debut of Serge The Purge’s new video as he teamed-up with Knights of the Storm founder Jason Barker in Missouri to see truly rural life, to discuss prepping, and more! Visit the new video here on YT.

Visit The Knights of the Storm!

Remember, you can join the Conspiracy to watch and chat live, M-F at 6PM Eastern Time, on YouTube, Rokfin, Rumble, and Gard’s X @gardgoldsmith and you also can donate to help the Liberty Conspiracy, itself! Just visit PayPal to help out!

All the best! :)

Thanks for listening! Be Seeing You!


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