Gardner Goldsmith
Liberty Conspiracy Audio
The Liberty Conspiracy Audio Pod, for 6-10-24!

The Liberty Conspiracy Audio Pod, for 6-10-24!

An easy-to-stream audio version of tonight's big news show!

Welcome, fellow Conspirators!

Tonight, on Liberty Conspiracy Live, we got to investigate the news that the US was involved in the "IDF hostage rescue” action over last weekend — a “rescue” that saw nearly as many hostages killed as rescued, that saw over 200 civilians killed, and saw the US being involved not only in the activity, but also in moving military hardware off the Gazan Pier that the Biden Admin said was being built (contrary to their US Constitution, of course) to provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. Amazing deceit, and the added fact that some IDF troops were hidden in a food truck? Imagine what terrified Palestinians will think about food trucks and aid workers now…

We also got to discuss the admission by Lindsay Graham that he’s looking forward to the US stealing a bunch of Ukrainian mineral wealth, and we dig into a big new court ruling on the USDA handing out money to farmers for “disaster relief” - and doing so along race-based lines. Check it out, all!

Watch on Gardner's X @gardgoldsmith and on Rumble, Rokfin, and YT! Spread the word!Thanks, again! Please feel free to SHARE the links, and join us every M-F at 6 PM on YouTube, Rokfin, Rumble, and my X @gardgoldsmith — and you also can donate to help the Liberty Conspiracy, itself! Just visit PayPal to help out!

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Gardner Goldsmith
Liberty Conspiracy Audio
Conspiring and Advocating for Truth, Free Will, Free Markets, Meaningful Fiction